Using national data on external debt
disseminated on the World Bank’s
External Debt Statistics (QEDS)
and creditor/market data on external debt,
the JEDH provides comparisons of individual
country data for three broad instrument
categories: loans
+ deposits, debt securities, and
trade credits. These comparisons refer to
the all maturities data in the Joint
External Debt Hub (JEDH) series and to the aggregate
of the short- and long-term data in QEDS.
Comparison tables are prepared for countries
that participate in the QEDS, based on the
mappings presented in Table 1: Comparator
(QEDS/JEDH) Table, as described in the
The data sets for the creditor/market and
data sources will differ as the coverage is
In general, it might be expected that the
debtor/national data exceeds the creditor/market
data for loans and deposits, and for debt
securities. For instance nonresident
purchases of bonds issued in the domestic
economy are not covered in the
creditor/market data
nor are deposits by nonresident nonbanks.
Also, for recent quarters bilateral loans
and trade credits data from creditor sources
are not available.
On the other hand, if residents are
significant purchasers of the international
debt securities covered in the
creditor/market data, such as might occur in
international financial centers, the
creditor/ market data for debt securities
could exceed the national data.
For each individual debtor it is important
to view their metadata when analyzing the
information in this table. Research has
shown that difference between the debtor/national
and creditor/market data, particularly as
these differences develop over time, can
have important informational content.
See BIS paper on
comparison of
creditor and debtor data on short term
external debt. |