the national source data,
jointly developed by the World Bank and the IMF, brings together detailed external debt data
that are published individually by countries that subscribe
to the IMF’s Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS)
or participate in the IMF’s General
Data Dissemination System (GDDS). Several GDDS/QEDS
also report SDDS/QEDS data. To view
the list of SDDS/QEDS participants, click
To view the list of GDDS/QEDS participants,
click here.
To access Table 1 for SDDS/QEDS or GDDS/QEDS,
please click on the corresponding links below and choose a
country from the drop down menu.
SDDS/QEDS participating countries:
Gross External Debt Position
by Sector
GDDS/QEDS participating countries:
Public and Publicly Guaranteed
External Debt Position Table
To access the database for SDDS/QEDS or
GDDS/QEDS, please click on the corresponding links below.
Quarterly External Debt Statistics/SDDS Data
Quarterly External Debt
Statistics/GDDS Data