
Debtor/National data release schedule
(same as QEDS release)
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
1st release mid-Jul mid-Oct mid-Jan mid-Apr
2nd release mid-Jul mid-Oct mid-Jan mid-Apr
Creditor/Market data release schedule        
Advance Release Calendar For
Joint External Hub Debt Statistics
Data for the period ending: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
A1. Loans and other credits (Debt of)        
01_Cross-border loans, by BIS reporting banks end-Sep end-Dec end-Mar end-Jun
02___o/w to nonbanks end-Sep end-Dec end-Mar end-Jun
03_Official bilateral loans, total       June
04___o/w aid loans       June
05___o/w other       June
06_Multilateral loans, total end-Jul end-Oct end-Jan end-Apr
07___o/w IMF end-Jul end-Oct end-Jan end-Apr
08___o/w other institutions end-Jul end-Oct end-Jan end-Apr
09_Insured export credit, Berne Union mid-Sep mid-Dec mid-Mar mid-Jun
10___o/w short term mid-Sep mid-Dec mid-Mar mid-Jun
11_SDR allocation end-Jul end-Oct end-Jan end-Apr
A2. Loans and other credits (Debt due within a year)        
12_Liabilities to BIS banks (cons.), short term end-Sep end-Dec end-Mar end-Jun
13_Multilateral loans, IMF, short term end-Jul end-Oct end-Jan end-Apr
B1. Debt securities (All maturities)        
14_Debt securities held by nonresidents   end-Apr   end-Oct
B2. Debt securities (Short term, original maturity)        
15_Debt securities held by nonresidents, total, short term   end-Apr   end-Oct
C. Supplementary information on debt (liabilities)        
16_International debt securities, all maturities end-Jun end-Sep end-Dec end-Mar
17___o/w issued by nonbanks end-Jun end-Sep end-Dec end-Mar
18_International debt securities, short term end-Jun end-Sep end-Dec end-Mar
19___o/w issued by nonbanks end-Jun end-Sep end-Dec end-Mar
20_Paris Club claims (ODA)       mid-Jun
21_Paris Club claims (non ODA)       mid-Jun
22_Liabilities to BIS banks, locational, total end-Sep end-Dec end-Mar end-Jun
23_Liabilities to BIS banks, consolidated, total end-Sep end-Dec end-Mar end-Jun
D. Memorandum items: selected foreign assets        
24_International reserves (excluding gold) end-Jul end-Oct end-Jan end-Apr
25___o/w SDR holdings end-Jul end-Oct end-Jan end-Apr
26_Portfolio investment assets   end-Apr   end-Oct
27_Cross-border deposits with BIS rep. banks end-Sep end-Dec end-Mar end-Jun
28___o/w deposits from nonbanks end-Sep end-Dec end-Mar end-Jun